The new label design for XOII, an organic, bio, vegan food company based in Troisdorf, Germany, breathes fresh life into the brand’s packaging. Moving away from the previous uniform white backdrop that made product differentiation challenging, XOII now embraces a vibrant, earthy look that aligns with its commitment to organic, bio, and vegan foods.
Each product line boasts a unique color palette, enhancing recognition while maintaining the brand's signature muted tones. This redesign not only catches the eye of customers but also brings warmth and personality to the shelves, reinforcing XOII’s dedication to quality and sustainability.
Each product line boasts a unique color palette, enhancing recognition while maintaining the brand's signature muted tones. This redesign not only catches the eye of customers but also brings warmth and personality to the shelves, reinforcing XOII’s dedication to quality and sustainability.

Design and Photograph by Binh Ho